Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Emotions can be debilitating - controlling. On e moment I am feeling fine, the next I am sad. Sadness, I hate it. It is such a liar, such a depressing emotion, especially when there is no reason to be sad. And I always wonder, around this time, why my emotions are jumping around, nosediving and flying - every month I forget that this is what I go through, how my body carries out is womanly restoration. These emotions can be so , so difficult.

My feelings were hurt today. Not by a word anyone that I actually know said. Nope - my feelings were hurt becuase someone didn't say something I expected them to, which unraveled a whole swirl of self doubt, what if and why nots, because a strangers tongue didn't take the path I expected. Isn't that silly. I almost started not to write tonite. Definitely too emotional. But I forced my self to the computer-with pad and pen by my side for other revelations tha tI record on paper and not via internet-and here I sit, affecting someone who was completely fine until they read this depressing, pathetic post.

So sorry, I will keep my sadness to myself from now on (if I can contain it!!)

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