Monday, May 12, 2008


Wait a minute!! This is unreal and sooooo funny, yet sooooo disrespectful. I kinda don't know how I feel about it. Did you see the clip of LeBron James telling his mama to sit her ass down? Oh no - well here it is:

Now, a good boy NEVER cusses at his mother. But what was she thinking? Has the good life made her yearn for days of whipping ass and acting a fool? Jumping all into the mix with a bunch of 6 footers? Apparently, Kevin Garnett recognized her immediately, he tried to shield her with his body. Imagine if he hadn't, if he had knocked her to the ground in the fight. Lawd Have Mercy, it woulda been ghetto night for real then!! Lebron would have Had to try to kill him.

Now listen, as a sports mom who, in the early years, cussed out a few detractors, I get it. I know what its like to be in the heat of the game and see or hear someone attacking your son. Before you know it you could fly off the handle. But she is no longer in little league. We are talking Lebron. I think that huge black man can handle his own. And we have seen overprotective moms unintentionally undermining their "babies" credibility when they jumped into the mix. One example: Vince Carter. OK another example: A.I. and really, A.I. moms wraps it all up, with the nice heavy mink in the middle of the summer over her jersey...wheww, she used to wear me out wondering what theatrics she was going to pull next.

But back to the point. Does LeBron get to tell his mama to "sit her ass down." And said it with no hesitation. Is the paycheck allconsuming, all empowering, that she actually went and sat her ass down?

I'm rambling I know - but this, I think, is the point. Mama shoulda stayed out of it. That is without question. The NBA shoulda have given a long - let these men be men - speech to her after watching other mama's turn their NBA sons into jokes.

HOWEVER, once emotion took over, and she did enter the fray, LeBron should never be in a mind frame to cuss at his mother and get away with it. He didn't seem shocked at all, as if he had slipped in the heat of the battle. Meaning, she was well within her rights to hit him upside the head at that point. But she didn't. Instead she meekly backed away. And he returned to the game, seemingly unperturbed that he had just disrespected his mother in an unfathomable way. AND THEN - GET THIS - HE WALKED OVER AND APOLOGIZED TO PAUL PIERCE. What about his mother? mannnnn please!

So, both were wrong, but LeBron was dead ass wrong. I am sure mama will be getting a nice new car or a piece of jewelry to make it all good. And since he obviously is running that household, she will take her gift as a sincere apology, instead of realizing how telling and pathetic the entire scenario actually is....

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