SO, tonite marked the official season finale of The Wire. Now, I realize that most of America saw it last Tuesday on HBO on Demand, but I waited for it, wanted to space it out, see whether the characters would follow the paths I wanted for them. See, this season was different for me for one simple reason, they took it to the kids.
If you read last weeks post, then you already know, pretty much, what I am talking about. Normally I can watch all of these types of shows with a certain detachment, these are grown folks after all, they made the choice to sling, sell, feen, fill in the blank. Therefore, there is minimal sympathy for that junkie that cathes a beat down, the drug dealer that catches a case, the bad guy hero who finally faces karma. Now, don't get me wrong, when The Wire terminated Idris Elba, I almost had to put them in no man's land, meaning on the "will not watch anymore" list. Come on, you do not terminate Stringer Bell. Never. He is the one dealer that you can believe finally walks away from the game, breaks lose with millions earned and gets to live that glamorous life.
But it seems that is a route Hollywood just cannot allow. I have only seen it one time, in Sugar Hill, and even he wound up paralyzed from the neck down with both his Daddy and brother dead (I am speaking of Wesly Snipes).
But anyway, I digress. My point originally was that when The Wire took it down to the kids, portrayed how our men and women wind up locked into this drug game trap, street corner trap, without much choice and no other options, it makes the story much more endearing, understandable, heartbreaking.

Michael, for example. How can someone pass judgement on this boy? Is he wrong for having his brother's father murdered? Ok, the point blank answer is always, yes, murder is a sin. But what about the fact that the man had molested him, would certainly, eventually, molest his younger brother, and was making aggressive moves to take over the household funds. Calculate in his junkie mother, a dysfunctional school system, a completely incompetent Social Services system, and what choices seem reasonable to any 13 year old? So the deal with the devil had to be made. Truth be told, how many folks under the same circumstances would have chosen differently. But now he is the property of Marlo Stanfield- this 13 year old is a life long street soldier. How long before he is dead, shot, in jail? How long before his little brother, despite all his efforts, is also in the game. Its all cyclical, isn't it?

So, I hope that The Wire gets some awards and recognition for traveling very dense dark waters, navigating them cleanly, directly, giving the most real reflection of inner city chaos that I have every seen. But they won't. Simply put, the cast never gets any nods, neither does the crew, and i don't want to say its because of the huge African American cast but, if it quacks like a duck, then you got to call it a ....

To all, I removed a comment posted by one of my readers tonight, though it greatly pained me to do so. The commenters basic point attempted to refute the existence of God. God existence is not only unquestionable in my life, but has sustained me, continues to comfort and keep me, protect me and allow me to move forward daily.
Although this journal is my personal reflection, I gladly welcome your thoughts and comments, however I am not a forum for atheist commentary. I would, however, have considered allowing the comment to post, had the poster identified themself. By posting such pointed commentary under Anonymous, the comment just seems like a smear across a vast canvas of emotion, and I would prefer to erase it from my journal.
My apologies to all offended...
Whew! Gurl, wow someone was posting blasphemous comments. I am tired of these anonymous crazy posters.
I don't watch The Wire. I just wanted to stop by and say you have some awesome poetry. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I love The Wire. My husband and I watch it together on Sundays, as a way to chill after the boys are in bed and before another crazy week begins.
I hear you on the deaths of Stringer Bell and Bodie. Both were tough to take. Wasn't sure if the show would survive Stringer's death but that just goes to show you how good the show is. It's not about any one character, and they can even kill of a main/popular character and keep going.
This season has been interesting, with the kids. Kind of like the season with the Greek. You know all of this is heading somewhere, even if it takes a few more seasons to get there. I hope it does.
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