Thursday, February 22, 2007

Something Perverse in Hip Hop

So tired - whewww...With each day another ;project falls further behind deadline - but thats ok. I have to plug forward. So, what has been going on? Oh, I know, I discovered this evening tha tI am not the only person convinced that hip hop represents a current woman hate and twisted exageration of overblow testosterone that is in and of itself homogenic and hints that the very culture is based on a DL mentality. I'm just saying. ONe of my previous post was about The Game and Kanye and their "wouldn't get far" ode to outing the hip hop groupie, because every women that comes into their hemisphere has to be downgraded and disrespected. Except their mommas. What about their daughters? THat should be an interesting twist on them, Cameron and R. Kelly. Why Cam, becuase he rapped about bustin off in a 4 year olds face - Nas' daughter to be exact. And why Kels, well the pied piper (children lurer) calls himself the pied piper of r&b, #1, which is laughing at the systme in its face, and people don't seem to understand that he wasn't acquitted of his charges, the cops overanxiously messedup evidence leading to dismissal. He is very much a child lurer, with Aliyah and DeLeon and peed on girl being the obvious evidence. As a matter of fact, someone better start prayin for his daughters before they get to this earth, cause ...

Well anyway, Eric Michael Dyson, the brotha with the brilliant mind, laid out hip hop and its homogenistic tendencies on CNN. You got to catch it if you can. And what can be said after he lays it down? IT is something to consider. Now, I am not talking about all MC's, mind you, cause I grew up lovin hip hop and try my hardest to love it now. BUT, the offenders above are indications that the perverse are rewarded and celebrated and there is something seriously wrong here....

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