Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Media Happenings

So - Michael Baisden is on a roll. He is experiencing that high that one gets after a planned event goes well, and you just want to keep hosting functions. I am impressed with what he did for Jena 6, it is wonderful to see a real grass roots movement, not spearheaded by the usuals whose issues I don't quite agree with but feel obligated to support. It feels so stale, following behind the regulars. So I felt encouraged that Michael was able to bring together so many people to at least bring attention to the issue, no matter what site one is on.

Well, today, he took on a new issue: Bill O'Reilly. Apparently Bill met Al Sharpton for lunch at Sylvia's, the soul food restaurant in Harlem. Bill made comments to the effect that "black people are beginning to think for themselves, people were sitting quietly, ordering, and noone was yelling mother f..." In other words, he was impressed that he didn't witness black folks acting a fool in the restaurant. Kindof an inverted compliment? So anyway, Michael asked his listeners to call Fox an invite Bill O'Reilly to come onto the Michael Baisden show. hilarious. At last listen, the Fox operators were answering the phone and simply hanging up. So, I am going to tune in to hear the outcome.

Also, I watched the Little Rock 9 HBO show tonight. SOOOOOOOO depressing. It is so easy to forget life outside of the Beltway, how the rest of the world lives. They featured a sophomore mother of two. Another little girl, no kids and honor student, trying hard, but her living conditions were: sad. I spent every summer of my preteen life in Little Rock, the stories and the living only showed one side, of course, but it was real. real. real.

Did anyone see the BET hip hop vs. america show. I can't get over my anti BET sentiment enough to watch it (unless, of course, its Lil Kim: Countdown to Lockdown), but if you saw it, let me know your thoughts....

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Is Aretha Franklin serious. Now, I am hoping that gossip radio misquoted her, but apparently she was not pleased with the suggestion that Jennifer Hudson play her in an upcoming film of her life. Who does she want to represent her? Halle Berry. Seriously.

Now if that is tru, it is proof that Michael Jackson is not the only one slightly removed from reality. Why would Aretha be offended at the thought of a thick sister, a chocolate woman playing her and, instead want Halle. I am not really a Jennifer Hudson fan, but I understand why folks would think of her. Do you think of Aretha when you see Halle. Now, lets be fair, I didn't see Denzel and Malcolm until the movie. ANd her rocked it. I didn't see Lynn Whitfield as Josephine. But she rocked it.

I guess, on some level, we have all noticed that Aretha has a bit of a swollen ego. I have noticed her treat people very poorly. She takes diva to another level. And noone has told her that she is the size of a mini 18 wheeler. But does she really see herself as Halle. And if so, what soes that say about her idead of self beauty, of self acceptance, of self love. Maybe I am reaching but....the radio host made a great analogy - asking Halle to play Aretha is like aksing Eminiem to play Christopher Wallace (Biggie). It just don't work.

And, my big entertainment snafu of the week. Was 50 cent serious when he challenged Kanye. I get the concept. He is a real rapper, Kanye - not so much. So yes, hip hop purists will support him over Kanye. But how many hip hop purists are there really. And who it the buying market. White teens. KAny is a safer bet for a parent, a well respected musician, easy music. A rapper - well, I think one of his lyrics in "Wait Till I Get My Money Right" answeres that. Something about "using collagen, ....have you apologen." Uh, no! But 50 - what are thinking.

So, will this be another retired but back JayZ move. And can we ever say what we mean and mean what we say. I don't want to 50 go though, not because I am a huge fan, or a fan at all, but because without him we might be subjected to Ja Rules singing again...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

New Cover

I wanted to share the latest cover by phenomenal artist Rachel Lindley. She did the covers for three of the four poetry books (I have to see if she can convert the fourth one). But check out this cover "remix" - her creations!!

I luv it:

Updates, again

Thank you for all the birthday wishes- it meant so much to receive so much input and feedback. I had no idea so many people read this blog!!! I am very humbled by it, actually. I might have to start being a little more responsible with what I am putting out there, huh.

1. So, latest updates. Although this blog is under one of my pseudonyms, and I try not to mix my writing by only announcing my progress on works by a.Kai, versus my other names and psuedos, I have to announce that True Vol. 2 is finally published. I am thrilled. I submitted a short story about one of God's miracles in my life and it is the second story in the compilation (p. 27 to be exact), which was compiled and edited by Irene Dunlap, coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Soul. So, please ask for it in bookstores.

2. Back to a.Kai stuff - I submitted 5 poems to the latest poetry anthology to be release by Poetic Press, an imprint of XPress Yourself Publishing. All five were accepted - yeah!!! THe anthology is due out September 24. Please request it at bookstores, it should be in all of the local stores, but just in case, your requests mean alot.<

3. Last night I went to Karibu to ask for another anthology in which I one of my stories is included (the name of which I cannot release in the same post as True - it would be kinda tacky). So anyway, as I was standing there I over heard two black woman discussing books. While I knew that street lit had taken over, I wasn't prepared for this discussion. They pointed out books from a number of street lit publishers (skipping over Coldest Winter ever, I might add - a street lit classic, genre creating masterpiece). Then, one happened to spot a book by Connie Briscoe. The Connie Briscoe. "Uhmph, her stuff just doesn't cut it for me. She is too dry" Huh? They went on to dis every Black literature foundation writer as they touted the greatness of titles such as "Straight up Gold Digga" and "My woman, his wife."

Now, I don't want to be a literary snob, but what is happening, exactly? After they left, the few sistas in the store and I started having a heart to heart about our people and the street lit crave. I didn't realize that for some it is the "only" acceptable interesting reading material. I am trying not to judge, I mean, ....The whole experience left me sad and more worried about our folks.

3. My church opened its doors to a new gorgeous facility today. And while some may have encountered parking problems and other nightmares, which isn't that unusual, I had a great day. But while I was there this sista in front of me had a child who made some noise a few times. I am a mom, so I really wasn't paying much attention, I just noticed baby boy crying loudly a couple of times. BUT, everytime he cried the "holy" women sitting in front of her shot her the nastiest "take that child outta here" looks. What is with people? Obviously, she had pressed to be there, it isn't easy fighting to get to church with a child in the 12-18 month range. And she heard him crying and tried to attend to him. But these ghetto bamma ignorant rude nasty people would turn full around in their chair, as if her baby child were the most offensive thing there. She left, preferring to sit in the hall that continue under hostile scrutiny. And I attempted to offer her a hand, but I could tell by that point she was completely offended. And I don't blame her, because I have been in that role so many times. I have so many emotions about that situation, because the folks looking were older and obviously childless. Once they ran her out of church, they turned around, right back into "holy women" role nodding their hands and clapping with the pastor. Obviously missing the entire point of the message. While being childless may give them some reason to sit on their high horse and scrutinize, they are also the ones missing out. Enuff said.

4. Speaking of children, my girlfriend brought her baby girl by to see us. I haven't seen her since baby girl was born. I couldn't visit, because the germ pool that is my household maintained some type of cold, stomach virus, pink eye nonesense the first two months of baby girls life. She is absolutely beautiful. Just beautiful. I wanted to keep her, until my son said," put her down mom, we don't need any more." But, I have to admit, just holding her led me to a moment of insanity, wanting just one more. (I have five- so I really am tripping). But, what a blessing.

SO I have a number of things on the horizon. In total I am in 3 books in bookstores and 10 anthologies and compilations. I am shopping one novel and drafting another novel for a publishing company. I have been tremendously blessed.

5. I don't think I am doing NANOWRIMO this year. But please, those of you who are, keep me posted on your progress.

Talk to you soon

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Well today is my birthday. Yep, I am a 9/11 baby. And birthday's haven't always been a big deal or a deal of any kind for me, but I always tried to wish myself a happy day and at least keep my spirits up. But 9/11 has made that impossible. I have reflected on that date before - shared with you how I was minutes from the White House when they vacated and then we could see the smoke from the Pentagon. More than the actual destruction was the realization that I was going to die and the helpessness that follows. My baby girl was three, my sone was 12.

So, I am glad and thankful to see another year. I thank God for my children, my husband, my marriage, my life. Our health. But these are things I pray about daily. I thank God that my oldest son is finding his way to manhood safely and heathily and devloping into someone that I am so proud of. But, again, this is a daily prayer.

So what makes this day different? Well, this day is harder for me because more memories unfold, more pain comein along with the joy.

Waiting for my father to pick me up and him never showing. Reminding him of this day and realizing, after having waited all day, that he wasn't coming. I am not angry or upset, but those experiences leave a deepseeded painful ache that stretches its muscle around this time. September was the worse month for a teacher's salary, my birthday fell right before the first pay. So, it was rarely celebrated beyond a card. Which made me sad every year, but I would fight it, be brave and smile and pretend everything was alrite.

So, I watch the memorial events and feel that depression, bringng me back to my own sad thoughts. But then I try ot stay happy and thankful. Making 9/11 a tumultuous day of joy and pain for me.....