Thursday, May 24, 2007

Nothin Much

Ok - New writing goal. Actually start posting chapter work again. I keep falling asleep at the computer - incredibly frustratin. I haven't been sleeping, because I don't have time, but my body has started to short circuit. Meaning whenever I stop moving, I literally pass out.

So anyway, I don't have any real insights today. Four graduation parties to attend, six gifts to give out. Today I received three invites, which is really a wonderful thing. That someone wants my family to participate in that celebration is very special, because in this cold world it is rare to find someone willing to let you in the life of them and their children. And that is something that should be cherished and recognized. ANd they all have fantastic kids - I mean really. They do normalsilly teenager stuff, but the blessing is that they don't cross the line. They understand that there is a life for them, an expectation on them, that their success means alot.

On another note - my short story - Mikki's Anniversary- in If it Aint One thing,
received a very kind review. I am going to post it at the website so please check it out.

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