Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day Lament

Happy Mother's Day to all the parenting people in the world today. It was an interesting day. We were invited to a cookout and I was going back and forth with our host over owning a dog. We owned a Doberman but had to give him away once our daughter was born. He never tried to harm her, it was just that we couldn't make time for him. Thinking back on it made me realize how much commitment and parenting changes our lives. We COULD HAVE made the change for our dog, we just didn't. A couple of kids later, the same changes were made, because we didn't have a choice. Life changes, and we became completely secondary to the upbringing of the kids. I can't even remember the entitlement to have control over my day, to focus on doing what I want to do. Just no longer my mentality.

Well, anyway, part of my Mothers Day gift was to see a movie. At a movie theatre. OK, you have to have a houseful of kids to get this one, but those of you that know understand that this is a privilege. I chose Spidey 3. Was very excited, enjoyed it immensely. Thought the sandman and the black unknown substance to be intriguing nemesis (nemesi?). Since both were played by white men, I had no reason to think about it on a different level. At the end, however, Spidey puts on his Blue and Red suit and happens to swing past the American Flag on his way to fight the Sandman and the Black creature. Now, the subtle irony in that struck me, when I spotted the flag. America beating the "sandman." Come on, I don't want to be that conspiracy sister, but, it distracted me for a moment.....

I had to cancel a book reading this weekend and was a little upset that I had to miss it. MY son had a pre collegiate sport thing. I want to further my dream but it is so minute compared to his. His future is so bright and in near reach, so I had to do my part. Like I said, I was a little sad about it, but I have to tuck that part away....

1 comment:

PatriciaW said...

I got kids so I understand. All movies are treats! Mine want Spidey 3 too, which we'll do this weekend for the oldest's B-Day.

Glad you enjoyed the day.