We did some serious traveling over the past few days. I am actually exhausted - but i couldn't wait to get back to my lap top and capture the smallest details.
Desitination 1: Chicago. Well, not quite. We actually went to Evanston Ill, via Chicago, to visit Northwestern University. Now, football is opening doors and opportunities for my son that I never guessed, but I actually felt honored that Northwestern is interested. What a BEAUTIFUL campus. It is stunning. And, there is a beach on the edge of campus. Not just a waterfront - I can feel my Hampton folks ready to defend - but this is beach for real! Who woulda thunk it. Right there in Illinois.
We stayed the night in downtown Evanston (a block from campus). The plan was to take a nap then go to Chicago and visit China Town, Nike Town, and a number of other places. We all passed out. I woke up at 9, my girls were still snoring. I had promised them the pool, so I woke them so they could get in an hour or so of splashing fun.
Destination 2: Eastern Michigan U. Which was located in Ypsialnti Michigan. Nuff said.
Destination 3: Detroit. Lee Family Reunion. Over 100 folks made it this years, from everywhere - little rock, kansas city (huge amount of family there), houston, new york, california, ohio, etc... I wasn't sure we were going to make it, and I hadn't paid my reunion dues, but I am so glad we caught the tail end. Whenever I see my family I am overwhelmed that I am part of such a tremendous group of people. It was a blessing.
Destination 4: Lousiville. But on the way, we stopped at Bowling Green University in Ohio. Very nice. Lousiville. Fantastic campus and facilities. Do you know the dorm has a pool and grill for the students. It was unbelievable. But, we also went to the Muhammad Ali museum. My son is in one of the movies that plays through the museum. What a phenomenal place, what a unique experience. What a blessing! I am telling you, there is nothing more touching than this museum. The extended it past his life and used his life as the focal point for all the change and societal shifts that were occurring. This museum is an in depth study into African American life past and present. Martin and Malcolm and so many others are a very real part of this museum. It was a phenomenal experience. The staff recognized my son and took pictures and his info. It was a blessing
Final Destination: Lexington. visited UK. Very nice. But I was tired and had a stomachache by then.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Harry Potter -
I want to say to J. K. Rowling that the pleasure has been all mine. The introduction, the glimpse into the development of Harry, of the Wizarding world, were all my pleasure. And it is with many thanks that I depart from the Harry tale and move forward into creating fantasy worlds of my own.
Explaining the appeal or magnetism of Harry Potter is rather impossible. Under no circumstances should a little rich boy orphan tie into anything recognizable in my world. But Ms. Rowling creates a universe in which she fully examines the themes of love, sacrifice, loyalty, bravery, intelligence, learning - purely for the sake of and not for cash, supporting, friendship. And in so doing, she creates a rare dichotomy of adventure within a purly humanistic story. The evil that Harry, the Order, Professor McDonogol (my favorite) and the Hogwarts staff and students, fight is all consuming, overwhelming and without fail. She recreates the environment of World War II Nazi, the helpless inhuman cruelty of slavery, the unbelievalbe infallible righteousness of evil murders, the sloven worship of the sinister becuase of misplaced loyalty and no self esteem. Rowlings takes apart each one of this, examines it, puts it to the fire, rubs it until it sparkles, then sets it into a framework in which you can easily absorb it.
Most fascinating, however, is Ms. Rowlings decision to give us an actual ending. Not a drawn out collision, or failure to address so many issues, as most series, HP 7 finally answers all of the questions, in complete and full detail. Leaving the journey well worth the wait.
As I finished devouring Book 7 - sadly, it took my two days, it occurred to me that I have just experienced a rare thing. It is once in a century that a classic is born, a timeless tale that will be passed down through the ages. And I was alive during this one, I was allowed to share in its anticipation and reading, in understanding the development of a character soon after it was written, in waiting for its first release to the masses. Therefore, I thank you , Ms. rowling but, I must insist, the pleaure has been all mine.
Explaining the appeal or magnetism of Harry Potter is rather impossible. Under no circumstances should a little rich boy orphan tie into anything recognizable in my world. But Ms. Rowling creates a universe in which she fully examines the themes of love, sacrifice, loyalty, bravery, intelligence, learning - purely for the sake of and not for cash, supporting, friendship. And in so doing, she creates a rare dichotomy of adventure within a purly humanistic story. The evil that Harry, the Order, Professor McDonogol (my favorite) and the Hogwarts staff and students, fight is all consuming, overwhelming and without fail. She recreates the environment of World War II Nazi, the helpless inhuman cruelty of slavery, the unbelievalbe infallible righteousness of evil murders, the sloven worship of the sinister becuase of misplaced loyalty and no self esteem. Rowlings takes apart each one of this, examines it, puts it to the fire, rubs it until it sparkles, then sets it into a framework in which you can easily absorb it.
Most fascinating, however, is Ms. Rowlings decision to give us an actual ending. Not a drawn out collision, or failure to address so many issues, as most series, HP 7 finally answers all of the questions, in complete and full detail. Leaving the journey well worth the wait.
As I finished devouring Book 7 - sadly, it took my two days, it occurred to me that I have just experienced a rare thing. It is once in a century that a classic is born, a timeless tale that will be passed down through the ages. And I was alive during this one, I was allowed to share in its anticipation and reading, in understanding the development of a character soon after it was written, in waiting for its first release to the masses. Therefore, I thank you , Ms. rowling but, I must insist, the pleaure has been all mine.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Guest Column
What do you do with forbidden love? Love that you don't want to exist? Do you just swallow it down, hope that it will form into a ball at the pitof your stomach and disappear? Or do you give completely over to the flesh - worry about the ramifications later?
Issues on my mind over the last few days. Writing it out, but can't get the characters to feel right, can't seem to capture that unspoken emotion in an authentic way. Tryin to reminisce on my own loves to recreate the emotion, but its difficult. So I am kinda frustrated...
In other news - I am very excited that I have been asked to script a guest column for

I am not sure of the topic for the column - but I will keep you posted. The Magazine is hot or *Fiyah* as my poetic homeboy would say. Check it out at Noire Magazine.
Issues on my mind over the last few days. Writing it out, but can't get the characters to feel right, can't seem to capture that unspoken emotion in an authentic way. Tryin to reminisce on my own loves to recreate the emotion, but its difficult. So I am kinda frustrated...
In other news - I am very excited that I have been asked to script a guest column for

I am not sure of the topic for the column - but I will keep you posted. The Magazine is hot or *Fiyah* as my poetic homeboy would say. Check it out at Noire Magazine.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
The Write Vibe
Besides having to deal with my blog being invaded and my consideration to dismantle it, then my decision not to, I had a great day. I was listed as a spotlight artist at RAWSISTAZ. But, I am also a feartured poet at THE WRITE VIBE, a new emagazine - wonderful job Kisha!
So check it out when you have a chance.
So check it out when you have a chance.
Spotlighted Artist
I just found out that I am a spotlighted poet/author on RAWSISTAZ Book Club. Go check it out at RAWSISTAZ and tell me what you think....
Rawsistaz is a national bookclub founded by Tee C Royal. The site speaks for itself, hosting latest releases, an indepth repository of book reviews, updates on the latest happenings in the book world, etc...It was very kind of Ms. Royal to list me among the spotlighted artist...I am very thankful.
Rawsistaz is a national bookclub founded by Tee C Royal. The site speaks for itself, hosting latest releases, an indepth repository of book reviews, updates on the latest happenings in the book world, etc...It was very kind of Ms. Royal to list me among the spotlighted artist...I am very thankful.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
New Review In
I almost forgot. Intimate Musings
was recently reviewed by APOOO Bookclub. I received the review today. It was wonderful. Please, check the review out at discoverkai.com or at amazon.com.
I almost forgot. Intimate Musings

Calm, Pleasant, Comfortable
4th of July. I made it to another one. I remeber one year I was pregnant and miserable on the 4th, cuz the electric company had a shortage in our entire neighborhood. No electricity on the 4th, 5th and 6. And I was one week away from delivering a 10lb baby. Miserable, miserable, miserable. I laid on the basement floor to stay cool. We finally went to a hotel.
Anutha 4th we had the time of our lives. In N.O. at the essence festival - pre Katrina. My uncle and family lived there then, had the hook up to all the hot spots. We were partying, drinking (me and cousin), dancing, laughing, just living it up... The N.O. - whewww, nothin like it! MY husband even enjoyed himself, laughing at us acting a fool.
The 4th is two days after my wedding anniversary. So the mood of the anniversary always dictates how this holiday is going to play. Some years our anniversary is a thunderstorm, the 4 just the added lightning. Other times our anniversary is puresunshine, the 4th bringin in the grand finale fireworks.
This year made ten years married. We have been together much longer, but ten years bound to that ring, through the very goods and the hella unbelievable bads. This anniversary was calm, pleasant, comfortable. And, thats how this 4th is turning out...
Anutha 4th we had the time of our lives. In N.O. at the essence festival - pre Katrina. My uncle and family lived there then, had the hook up to all the hot spots. We were partying, drinking (me and cousin), dancing, laughing, just living it up... The N.O. - whewww, nothin like it! MY husband even enjoyed himself, laughing at us acting a fool.
The 4th is two days after my wedding anniversary. So the mood of the anniversary always dictates how this holiday is going to play. Some years our anniversary is a thunderstorm, the 4 just the added lightning. Other times our anniversary is puresunshine, the 4th bringin in the grand finale fireworks.
This year made ten years married. We have been together much longer, but ten years bound to that ring, through the very goods and the hella unbelievable bads. This anniversary was calm, pleasant, comfortable. And, thats how this 4th is turning out...
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Queen of the Kirk
My feelings were hurt today, ya'll. Seriously hurt. I was chitchatting with my son, talking about all the things he has going on, and he started telling me that I am the "kirk" queen - his expression for going off on him. Apparently, he believes that I "kirk" on him daily, to the extent that when I call his cell phone his friends sigh and say, "go ahead and get kirked on."
Now, this is upsetting to me because, first of all, I don't like to "kirk." I hate having to be that person. To tell him when his shix stinks and correct him when he's wrong. But my goal is to raise him, and try to instill some basic lessons. And when does he get "kirked" on ? - when he has does something ludicrous, which, unfortunately, has seemed like a daily event lately.
Example one: I returned home from work last week. It was blazing, I was exhausted, hungry, had to empty my bladder in a serious way and, I was locked out. To make matters worse, I had no gas (see example three for this explanation) so I was stuck. I rang the doorbell at leats twenty times, tapped at all the doors and windows. House was empty. So I took off my suit jacket and heels and roasted in the garage in my football field chair. Fell asleep. Got eaten up by mosquitoes. Family returned two hours later. Entered the house and began to prepare dinner. got worried, cuz my son still ahdn't asnwered his phone or checked in, he shoulda been home hours ago. Called again on my cell -this time he answered. Where are you? I asked. In my room. he answered. In your room? since when. All afternoon, I was asleep, he responded.
Example two: I asked him to help watch my daughter while I ran upstairs to prepare her bath. Within 30 second, I heard MTV videos. Do I have a problem with him watching videos, well yeah and no. I get it, understand at this age I have to let go and I leave him alone. Do I want my baby girl exposed to the booty shaking nonesense at this age. Hell no. Did I say something. hell yes - cuz when he was little, I didn't let his precious eyes be exposed to bullcrap either. Did he consider that an unreasonable "kirk" - of course.
Example three: I give him my vehicle without problems. I want him to enjoy his social life, this time in his life will never happen again. Did he take the $50 I gave him and put gas in the car. No. When did I discover this? On my way to work - late and penniless with the "out of gas" beep ringing in my ear. Did I say something, yes. Unreasonable "kirk" to him. Yes
Example four: After two days with my car, I request he help me take the family to a kiddie party. It sucks. I know. But I desperately need the help. And, I hoped he wouldn't mind. His back stiffened and he rolled his eyes. COmplained. Why did he have to get stuck? He didn't ask to have all these kids? HUH? I need help, I try to accommodate him in every way, when I ask for help he acts like this? DId I tell him he was wrong. Yes. Did he add that to the list of "kirksome." ofcourse.
It goes on and on. I let alot of little stuff go. But, for me to be painted the most "kirksome" parent of all, in light of all of the major stuff he has done (which I won't embarass him and put out there) hurts. Alot. And I mean, alot.
I am sorry that he sees me that way....So, without having a pity party, I am feeling like a failure of a parent tonite. No need to comment to this post, I am not lookin for sympathy - just sharing. When you sacrifice so much and love so hard and protect so truly, it hurts very deep to know that your love is nothing more a nagging "kirk" to the exasperation of he and his friends.(Of course, I will never tell him that, though, I just kept it rolling)
Now, this is upsetting to me because, first of all, I don't like to "kirk." I hate having to be that person. To tell him when his shix stinks and correct him when he's wrong. But my goal is to raise him, and try to instill some basic lessons. And when does he get "kirked" on ? - when he has does something ludicrous, which, unfortunately, has seemed like a daily event lately.
Example one: I returned home from work last week. It was blazing, I was exhausted, hungry, had to empty my bladder in a serious way and, I was locked out. To make matters worse, I had no gas (see example three for this explanation) so I was stuck. I rang the doorbell at leats twenty times, tapped at all the doors and windows. House was empty. So I took off my suit jacket and heels and roasted in the garage in my football field chair. Fell asleep. Got eaten up by mosquitoes. Family returned two hours later. Entered the house and began to prepare dinner. got worried, cuz my son still ahdn't asnwered his phone or checked in, he shoulda been home hours ago. Called again on my cell -this time he answered. Where are you? I asked. In my room. he answered. In your room? since when. All afternoon, I was asleep, he responded.
Example two: I asked him to help watch my daughter while I ran upstairs to prepare her bath. Within 30 second, I heard MTV videos. Do I have a problem with him watching videos, well yeah and no. I get it, understand at this age I have to let go and I leave him alone. Do I want my baby girl exposed to the booty shaking nonesense at this age. Hell no. Did I say something. hell yes - cuz when he was little, I didn't let his precious eyes be exposed to bullcrap either. Did he consider that an unreasonable "kirk" - of course.
Example three: I give him my vehicle without problems. I want him to enjoy his social life, this time in his life will never happen again. Did he take the $50 I gave him and put gas in the car. No. When did I discover this? On my way to work - late and penniless with the "out of gas" beep ringing in my ear. Did I say something, yes. Unreasonable "kirk" to him. Yes
Example four: After two days with my car, I request he help me take the family to a kiddie party. It sucks. I know. But I desperately need the help. And, I hoped he wouldn't mind. His back stiffened and he rolled his eyes. COmplained. Why did he have to get stuck? He didn't ask to have all these kids? HUH? I need help, I try to accommodate him in every way, when I ask for help he acts like this? DId I tell him he was wrong. Yes. Did he add that to the list of "kirksome." ofcourse.
It goes on and on. I let alot of little stuff go. But, for me to be painted the most "kirksome" parent of all, in light of all of the major stuff he has done (which I won't embarass him and put out there) hurts. Alot. And I mean, alot.
I am sorry that he sees me that way....So, without having a pity party, I am feeling like a failure of a parent tonite. No need to comment to this post, I am not lookin for sympathy - just sharing. When you sacrifice so much and love so hard and protect so truly, it hurts very deep to know that your love is nothing more a nagging "kirk" to the exasperation of he and his friends.(Of course, I will never tell him that, though, I just kept it rolling)
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