Sunday, January 13, 2008

Power of Redemption

Last week was Mary J. Bliges birthday. I don't remember any b-day's, sometimes not even my own, but Donnie Simpson announced Mary's birthday and stated that his wife reminded him. He said his wife loved Mary and woke up tlaking about her birthday. And it made me reflrect on the forgiving power of nautre, the human power of love. I remember when Mary debuted on BET and interviewed with Donnie (back when I watched BET). She was a mess, dropping s-bombs and giggling at inappropriate times. You remember the Mary of those times, always late, always high, always so pathetic. But there was something about her that felt so identifiable that our entire community just sighed, shook our head, and said "well, that's Mary."

I will always remember when she performed at the Essence festival in 97, gut hanging over too small skirt, 1 hour late. I hurt for her. I couldn't understand what she was going through and I didn't envy her. That was the third live concert of hers which I had attended, and I knew not to expect her to sing on key or even seem lucid during the concert. But I loved me some Mary.

Now, over ten years later, Mary is the champion of self love and acceptance, of striving for a clear and healthy life and mind. Who woulda thunk it. Not only that, but she still has a special place in my heart, where I wish her nothing but success. That spot only has one other occupant (superstar wise, that is) and its Lauryn Hill. But anyway, now Donnie Simpson wife is waking up singing her praises, and he is announcing to the world what a wonderful person she is. The irony of it all, the redemptive power of it, just struck me as something very special....

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