Sunday, January 27, 2008

Writer's Block and Obama

Writers block set in. I have denied if over the past 5 days, but its here. And its obvious. where I normally rush to the computer as soon as the children's snores fill the air I have been finding excuses lately. American Idol. Sweep the floor. just so tired. Late night Cheesecake Factory run. In the meantime, so many projects and deadlines are passing me by. I am not sure if its writer's block though, because I have ideas, I just can't seem to get myself motivated to write them down. Third degree writer's block, serious but not too severe.

Obama. What in the world am I gonna do with Obama. No, the actual question is what am I gonna do with black folks. I luv Obama. I get it. I see the fervor, the passion, the beauty in his poetic prose. I want to see the black man succeed, want to see two little black princesses in the White House. I desperately want it. BUT, my pocketbook would like some help with prekindergarten. A tax break or two. I want a healthier earth for my seed, some EPA restrictions, restrictions on big business. I want credit/debt relief. Repeals of the silent damage Bush and his crew have caused, where all credit card interests raise if you are late on one payment ot one card. Where subprimes have flooded and then bottomed out. Where bankruptcy is tantamount to indentured servitude. My beautiful black brother doesn't speak on these. Not that I have heard. While he is adamantly riding the tide of emotion shouting "We Can Change," Hilary is laying down explicit plans on how my baby twins can receive prek without my paying 8 grand a year like I did for the last set of kids. What's a sista to do....?

The annoying factor are the emails I get at work, declaring every black person who is not voting for obama a sellout, a high fallutin negro with excuses, a pathetic black american. One email had the nerve to state that the issues were irrelevant, experience was overrated, his blackness should be enough. The same things I would have said in my early 20's. Before I had 5 mouths to feed and rhetoric was enough to change the world. Can black folks be multilayered? Can we have more than one need, be fulfilled by more than one person? If Hillary weren't running, then Obama - even though his name reminds me of the terrorist. Without a doubt. But for me, this was her time, this was her race. And I believe that sink or swim she will get it done. She did it with the universal health care plan she fought for. She did it with balancing the budget and tax incentives. Make no mistake, Hillary wasn't a first lady that just sat in the background and waved. New Yorkers would have never made her a Senator if that were the case.

So, this election is something to behold. And I am transfixed by the growth of Obama supporters and the prowess of Hillary. And I certainly won't hold it against anyone who supports Obama. I am proud of the brother. I just wish my kinfolk would stop resorting to childish taunts and emotional rants to berate those who aren't already sold on the Obama train. It's counterproductive and oh so embarrassing...

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