Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Only the Weak Love?

Is loving someone a symbol of weakness? The first response is the easy no, but then again, it is possible. We try to date without luvin. Try to "play" without luvin. Try to immerse ourselves in the physical without luvin. Share secrets, dreams, hopes fears, but must do it without luvin.


When someone whispers the words "I love you" their power evaporates. Its like those words send up a sign that they are the weakest link, the one who couldn't hang and actually exposed their soul instead of playing by the rules of masks and feigned emotions.

Isn't the deliver of love the more powerful of the two? Isn't the one bold enough to put it out the the champion, because they know the inherent risk and lose themselves in the current of emotion, anyway. Allow themselves to follow that unique sensual rhythm to its intended destination, whether the receiver is capable of accepting love or not.

I remember a man told me he loved me once. Up until that moment, I adored him. After he said it, I thought him weak. Clingy. Turned out and useless. I began to be rude and cold. I didn't think of it then, never made the connection. It wasn't until I was older that I realized he repulsed me because he loved something that I could not - me. He saw beauty in something I could not - me. And because I couldn't understand, didn't see it, I turned my judgement on him instead of aiming that beam at myself. So he was the stronger, the one more whole, the healthier - and he was better off without me. He wasn't weak because of it, he was strong and sincere. I was weak because I couldn't accept it.

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