Saturday, July 05, 2008

Bet On Will Smith

Will Smith and the Fourth of July. Its not longer a bet, its a guarantee. How he did it, I don't know. But yesterday, the movie theater was PACKED with white and black movie goers to see Hancock. But not just white and black hip hop heads - from the very old the the very young. Will has transcended race and cultural biases in a way that even Denzel has not quite mastered.

People were pleased to see him. THe old white couple in front of me (and a couple of seats to the left, giving me a good view of their faces) were simply delighted when he came onscreen. I am telling you, it is a shocking thing to behold.

At first I was a bit un impressed with his decision to use Charlize Theron in the movie. I find it difficult to swallow that she is South Afrikan - born and raised during apartheid, folks. So, when she received an award and gave her beloved country a shout out a couple of years ago, my like for her quickly faded to dust. I know, I know, we are loyal to America, and look at all its dirt. But its a stereotype I have a hard time dealing with-and when i look at her she is the picture of that Arian supremacy thing.

However, Charlize played the hell outta this role. She and Will took it up a notch...that's all I'll say without giving away the plot.

But WIll has done it again, I loved Hancock. Just when it felt predictable, they threw in a round of monkey wrenches that turned this into a special film. And seeing the brotherman superhero - in genuine Will Smith wonder - much more can this man do to make a sistah proud...?

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