Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Confident Sexy

I was at Target tonight. Standard run. Toilet paper, body soap, mouthwash. And I am so tired, staying up nights writing, thinking, remembering, recording.

So, suffice it to say, I am not looking my best. Lack of sleep hit me today like a ton of bricks. And I think I only ran a comb through my hair once today, when I first left the house.

Why is it that on days like today, when I am literally hiding from every attractive man I see, men won't leave me alone?

It's odd and annoying. But I think I have figured it out. They are attracted to the confidence thing.

See, on any giving day, when confidence is low because I have convinced myself I am: ugly, fat, uninteresting, boring, fat, fat, fat, big nosed, big lipped, fat, fat, fat; I don't tend to make eye contact. In fact, I often glance right past Mr. Attractive, hoping that he doesn't notice me and certainly won't record my image to memory.

But, on days like today, when my spirit is alive and my energy is humming, I could care less how I look and who sees me. A smile on my face plastered by deliriously naughty thoughts, I strolled through Target without a care in the world. Not a thought to my "haven't been combed since this morning" bob, or the slight bags under my eyes. And the response to my grin and my swagger? a couple of offers to help with my bag - a "like your smile sister" and a stare down. Despite my self absorbed state, even I had to pay attention. At one point I started to wonder, what do men look at?

They certainly don't judge us the way we do. That is evident by all those couples you see that make you wonder - how? Men must be pulled in by something all together different. I don't know what, exactly, but for now I am placing my vote on that confident sexy thing. That swagger. If that is the case, I have to work on showing mine a little more often!!

1 comment:

Yasmin said...

hey sis work that confident sexy swagger...its good for you and men notice. :)