Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Life updates

I have been sick. Very sick. Can barely move, so tired I want to sleep but can't get my eyes closed, out of breath climbing the stairs, why oh why won't these kids let me rest - sick. My husband had pneumonia, but he refused to go to a doctor. His reason " they will just give me antibiotics." sigh. Alright, to be fair, he didn't know he had pneumonia, just kept coughing up a lung and damn near passing out with any physical activity. So finally, on his birthday, he admitted that he couldn't breathe. A visit to ER led to 2 days hospitalization. In the meantime, flu overtook me, and my kids had temperatures up to 104 (rectal). So, after getting the hubby out of the hospital and everyones fevers down, I became exhausted. Literally. But, it wasn't over. Yesterday my oldest girl started coughing up mucas, just like her daddy. Another run to the ER - where she vomited all over the lobby. The ER didn't have a pediatrics on staff and wanted us to sit in the lobby and wait, in the wet sticky clothes. When I complained, they gave me a robe to put on her, while she waited in the lobby. Huh? So, back home we came until I could squeeze into a doctors appt - they were booked. So I loaded up the entire family. Might as well get it out of the way in one shot. Now we are all filled with antibiotics - and everyone is doing better, but I am soooooooo tired.

In other news, my son got a full athletic scholarship to play football for Ohio University. Yeah! A smaller school thna we were hoping for, initially, but after dealing with these schools and the mounds of bullshit they shovel, Ohio was a welcome relief. Up front and devoted. A helluva head coach. Genuine interest in our son. The opportunity is there for the taking, which is a rare opportunity. So I am happy and relieved. And thankful.

Finally got the contract for my first novel - Discovering Love. It is a passionate fiction novel about a wife who reunites with an intimate love. Let me give it a better summary than that - I have to get used to selling it, right? OK - Trina and James are bored with marriage, disappointed by life. James philandering has been his band aid, but has led to a costly legal battle that may cost his career and his marriage. If his wife ever finds out. While juggling his affairs, his career and litigation he begins to notice that Trina is an absentee wife. Trina has discovered love in an unlikely place. She doesn't want to cheat, she struggles with the idea of herself and her life, but passion, lust and love have overtaken her. While James and Trina try to tap dance around each other, life unravels at the seems, exposing their flaw and fears, shattering both their hearts.

OK - sounds a little soap operish. But it isn't. It's a very clean honest read, I am proud of it. The sex scenes are a little steamy - alrite, a few are downright erotic, but it definitely adds to the book, it is not a collection of sex with a corny plot tying it together. So anyway, I got the contract - so this book is a go! I am excited. I will post an excerpt soon (once I get permission from the publisher (smile))

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