Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Back to Life

It's back to life for me. I am trying to determine who I want to be and how to get myself there. More financially responsible. More physically fit. More supporting and nurturing. It is difficult, though, being who everyone needs me to be. Particularly my family. I have found that no matter how much of me I give, it really isn't enough. So the only thing I can do is try to give the best of me, and hope that I will be forgiven my shortcomings...

I made it to NYC this past weekend. I luv New York, but I didn't really get to enjoy it like I normally do, simply ran out of time. Not to say I didn't have a ball. I was there supporting a player in the Jordan Classic - a phenomenal young man. The game was at the Garden and turned out to be a semi celeb event - Michael Jordan, Spike Lee, Diddy's kids, Run's daughters (we think) Tocara (America Next Top Model), Roxi (BET?-I don't watch so I am going on my son's word), and anumber of athletes. Eddie George walked past me twice and looked me full in the face before I realized who he was. Same with Idris Elba. Yes, you all know the type of crush I have on Mr. Elba. But he rolled past while I was seated next to my husband and I couldn't disrespect my man by turning into a straight groupie. I had to admit, it crossed my mind for a minute, though (smile).

So the trip was definitely worth it, definitely worth showing love to our young men who are trying to do the right thing. I am glad I went. So now, its back to life for me....

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