Sunday, April 22, 2007

Do I have a Crush?

Do you remember your first crush. I mean the first real crush, not the first little boyfriend. We all had plenty of those, when I was little I attracted little boys like flies for some unknown reason. But I am talking about that first unattainable crush, normally in your teens, normally with someone you think you can never have for a number of reasons. I have been asking my girlfriends about this and they all have expereinced the same thing, a deep strong emotion, that can only be termed as love, with a person from afar. Someone they barely spoke too, who probably didn't have a clue. But, no mistaking it, everyone agrees on one thing, even if wasn't love, the emotion was so strong that the difference is negligible.

I had a deafening crush on one person, who will forever be nameless. Even now the thought of him makes me smile, blush, laugh. I know he had to suspect, but I was too afraid to press forward and althought he would flirt and talk with me whenever he had the chance, he never crossed that line. I wonder what would have happened had I been bolder, more confident, less petrified of rejection. But, I digress. What is remarkable is the amount of emotion you can feel for someone that you barely interact with. That passion can be so strong, breathtaking, at simply the idea of someone.

Does it only happen to us when we are very young? Do we reach a plateau in life where wonder and excitement phase out for the obvious and practical, making it impossible to allow ourselves to indulge in the thought of someone? Making it impractical to be thrilled by the site and thought of someone we barely know? Are we able to have crushes after our teen years?

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