Tell me what you think!! I had some Myspace feedback already - a couple of folks commented that you couldn't tell what the book was about from the cover. A Valid point. But, the book is about emotions, couples going through it - something I should have a doctorate in, folks, cause we have been through hell and back.
So, how do you put that on a cover? No disrespect, but I don't want a straight up naked sistah, bent over, or with a man sexin her down all over the cover. Yeah, I may write about it-a lil sumpin sumpin, but children go in the bookstore, my cover can't blatantly corrupt the kids. (I think the cover above kinda pushed the limit on the nudity as is).
I don't want the cover to paint to much of a "couple drama" picture either, because so many books are about that, and I am hoping that the writing and the spin on this is a little different, something that I don't know how to portray in the cover. So, there it is. Please look it over and tell me what you think. Those that have read Life-The Series, also let me know whether the cover matches up with the content at all or is too far off the mark.
Beautiful cover. Go with it.
I love the cover.
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