Monday, January 01, 2007

Life - The Series (Cover)

Well, the cover for Life-The Series has been created by a wonderful illustrator, who, for myspace purposes, goes by the name The Red Salamander Zaruga. So, here it is:

Tell me what you think!! I had some Myspace feedback already - a couple of folks commented that you couldn't tell what the book was about from the cover. A Valid point. But, the book is about emotions, couples going through it - something I should have a doctorate in, folks, cause we have been through hell and back.

So, how do you put that on a cover? No disrespect, but I don't want a straight up naked sistah, bent over, or with a man sexin her down all over the cover. Yeah, I may write about it-a lil sumpin sumpin, but children go in the bookstore, my cover can't blatantly corrupt the kids. (I think the cover above kinda pushed the limit on the nudity as is).

I don't want the cover to paint to much of a "couple drama" picture either, because so many books are about that, and I am hoping that the writing and the spin on this is a little different, something that I don't know how to portray in the cover. So, there it is. Please look it over and tell me what you think. Those that have read Life-The Series, also let me know whether the cover matches up with the content at all or is too far off the mark.



Shai said...

Beautiful cover. Go with it.

Anonymous said...

I love the cover.