Saturday, January 20, 2007

Upward Bound

I had an awesome day today. I was asked by a close, close, close friend, might as well be my brotha, to speak to a group of 15-17 year olds about my college experiences, my career, my thoughts. It is interesting, I wasn't nervous, which I thought I would be. I have always loved talkin to the teens, have always seemed to get through to them. The only time it wasn't positive was when I was teaching-volunteering at this "Lean on ME" school in SouthEast DC. I had some great kids, but most were so far behind in basic skills it left me shocked, stunned. I was unprepared, unaware, of how to help them fill in the gap, a big black chasm-uncrossable by my little street law class. Additionally, quite a few of my students were heron (heroine) addicts. For real. I didnt even know people, much less black teens, did heron. I would be teaching and a student would just sit there and buzz for the entire hour. Scariest thing I have ever seen. Gross, too. Bizarre, cause no else else thought it crazy but me. The other students would just shrug, like oh well.

So anyway, that experience had tainted me, but I wanted to see if I was still up to it, so I accepted the invite. I had a wonderful time. THese kids were bright eyes, have a focus on the future. Have a future. Believe in one, depsite it all. Got up on a Saturday morning to attend Upward Bound class supplements to their public education. They give a damn. Their parents give a damn. It inspired me to give them the real, lay it out, speak on the purpose of college - getting and education for the sake of education - for obtaining that higher plateau, not just for a job...

THey interacted, paid attention, grinned and laughed - I gave myself over to them, fell in love with our children, again!! Told them how many kids I had, one young man held his head, like it was going to explode. Hilarious. SO I did give my mini - its great to not have children and yeah its hard but, if it happens unexpected, know that it does not stop life, you just have to press harder talk...

I ended by reading them a poem - Envy's Child. At first I felt kinda stupid, like they had listened already, I dind't want to force a captive audience. Let me tell you, they fell silent while I read and, despite 2 word blunders, because I had never read it out loud before, when I finished the room was dead silent. I looked up and....(wait for it)......alright, they all started snappin me up!!! I was...completely touched.

Had a wonderful time. OUr future is waiting for us to lead them through thise denser jungle. I hope I get another opportunity to aid in their walk....

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