Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hillary Desperate?

This is not a political site, so I promise not too many more of these Obama posts. BUT, what the hell are the Clinton's thinking? They have lost more composure and class trying to "out"Obama than they did during the Monica Lewisky nightmare. I am actually disappointed in Hillary - I get it, this was her time. No question, if Obama hadn't stepped into this thing she would have nailed it. Noone is arguing her qualifications or even her ability to hit the ground running. But, I thought she was above finger pointing and squabbling. I mean this is the woman whose husband's affair was splashed across the world, and she stiffened her chin and took it like a champ.

Instead of that type of gumption, or some type of clever political manuevering - like planning for the next election and simply using this one to broaden her base or gearing up for a VP/Pres ticket - she is making crass statements and cheap indictments. Her latest smear on Obama was to hand out You Tube copies of his latest speech and compare them to this homeboy up in Massachusetts speech. OK - does anyone not see the basic flaw here? IF THEY CAMPAIGNED TOGETHER, AND ARE FRIENDS, THEN THEY WILL JOIN FORCES TO REFUTE THIS CHARGE. What is Hillary thinking? This might have worked if she were contradicting Obama or had proof he stole info from an adversary. But a cocampaigner? And what was the response - "I am flattered he used some of my speech, just like I used Abraham Lincoln, JFK , and MLK." Poorly underestimated, Hllary. And you have managed to piss off folks like me who, in any other circumstance (or another election) might have had your back.

I don't expect the Clinton's to pack it up and give up, never. That's why I like them. But Obama is too highly favored - save the slander for the Repulbican's, Hillary. Puleeze....

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