Thursday, November 09, 2006

Book Reviews, Website, Articles, Story Updates

Hey all - how is everything. Over here, everything remains everything. Dang Lauryn, when are gonna get some more music. I digress. Anyway, I have written the next 2 chapters to Life, please bare with me, I just have to find time to actually post them, there are languishing in handwriting hell in my notebook.

Someone asked what my writing process is. I don't have one. Really. I just realized, as it comes to me I type it or jot it down, which leads to indecisherable notes written upside down in the margins of other documents that I have to later translate and recall into a story. I have to get a better process going. NaNoWriMo is showing that. Forcing myself to sit down and write according to a schedule is much more diccifulct than I ever imagined. My project is draggin and I haven't posted the last three chapters - (they will be up by tomorrow night, after Life and my next article for The Lost Genre).

So, how do I organize myself. And how do I preserve my articles and works for future reference, since the web is so fleeting. Any suggestions.

In other news, I have signed on the review poetry and stories for Read Zone Book Reviews book club. I am so excited!! I can't even explain it. Please follow my reviews and let me know your thoughts.

Well, thats it for now. Have patience with me - I also launched my website , and have been working on updating that. So many balls in the air, and I refuse to let one drop until I decide to put all these bad boys down and go take a seat. Please, check out the website and let me know your thoughts.


1 comment:

Shai said...

Congrats on becoming a RAW reviewer. I wanted to be one but I just don't have the discipline yet to read on a regular and write reviews.

I love the flower on your website. Your site had cathcy colors. Nice site