Well - ya'll know how I do. I will post pictures of my favorites, because I simply cannot help myself. I love this show. I don't want to give away the plot at all, but I love this show. I will say that Omar's revenge will be sweet - hours of nonstop surveillance have to pay off. He is completely psychopathic. And Chris and Snoop - I can't figure out who is the funniest to me Snoop, with her brilliant one liners, or that adorable hopper Donut (picture above behind the wheel). Luckily I missed the scene with the cop, woulda made me furious.
In other matters, I am trying to finish up this NaNo thing with some dignity. I mean, just a little bit. So excited, I talked two other folks into doing it, and now they have surpassed me by the thousands. Just pathetic!!
I have to get some articles submitted, so I will be working like a hustler over the next two days. But I made some commitments that I really am trying to keep. Also, got the third Discover Kai collection at the end of the month and am hoping an editor can get to Life the Series before month's end.
Speaking of which, it seems impossible to finish this story. I have backed myself into a moral corner. By letting them do the deed, the future is no longer clear, which is why I wrote it in the first place. The conclusion was coming around too easily, Kwaku and Lani meet in Delaware and make up, Kenya and her mother con, oops calm, Christopher back into complacency, although things are not the same again. But for the sake of his son, his family, appearances, he will stay. He is just that type of brotha (they do exist you know).
But it was just too easy. So I threw in the wrench. Lani is in DE, but Kwaku can't catch up to her. Chris calls and goes to her. Now what? How can Lani go back. Do Lani and Chris carry guilt? Are Lani and Chris wrong (after all they still think their spouses did the deed)? What type of ending is there for Lani after all....Well I am going to have something together by tomorrow night, so stay posted.
Oh, and, just for good measure, take a few more looks at the Wire's cast, cause, why not?

Oh yeah, let me dig up another picture of JD (Bodie), for good measure. Sure wish Stringer Bell would make an appearance, as a ghost or dream or somethin...

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