It seems that I completely dropped the ball. I failed to take a moment to mention Mr. Gerald Levert and the deep loss and sense of regret that at his sudden departure. There isn't much I can say that you don't already know, the Leverts represented in a fierce proud way, and his life was a moniker to that. Casanova and other Levert hits were true R&B, those brotha's could croon, it was obviously in the blood. I recall watching the music montage in New JAck City, when Levert closed out "Living Just Enough" - their melody perfect, their stroll just right.
Of course, LSG was a phenom hit. I don't know why they didn't stay together, I was waiting for the rumored second album. But more endearing was getting an opportunity to observe the inner workings of his family, when his daughter celebrated her Sweet Sixteen last year. Its funny, that was the show I wanted to see the most, well that and LA Reid's and Pebbles son, and of course it was the one I always missed.
When I finally caught it, I was struck by their family closeness, it wasn't a show, these brothas stuck together. And when the daughter played around with her performance, Gerald was very clear, that she would not be allowed to tarnish the family name, even if that meant cancelling her little time in the spotlight.
I gained a tremendous amount of respect for him, his influence was evident in his seed. And I have no words to express how a community who only knew his voice and public persona could still be so deeply tied to his charming smile and voluminous voice, but we are. Tremendously so.
May God bless and keep his family throughout this emotional trial.
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