Sunday, November 26, 2006

Tidbits - Poetry Reading

I'm loving life today!! It might be becuase I am just too tired to sweat the small stuff. I will not make my NANOWRIMO deadline, but I have an excellent new story in the works. It is a sci fi traveler and, I am very excited. I took the premise from a former short story and began an entirely new work.

My baby girl is far sighted. She has been tellin gme for the past few weeks that something changed - thank God I listended. Not too bad, but baby girl will be sporting glasses. I am sure she iwll find a way to make it cute, she is such a little princess.

Oh - GREAT NEWS- My first poetry reading will be December 2, 2004, from 2-4 at touchstone gallery. I am slighlty nervous, very excited. Anyone have any suggestions about how I should proceed - from memory or with paper. Speakin gof which, how should I dress - mother earthy or my normal conservative plain - read something one, black khaki or bluejean? Suggestions welcome...

Well I am finishing up the third Discover Kai joint Stay tuned. And check back with me tonite for Wire updates....

1 comment:

Shai said...

Congrats Kai. Do your thang girl on the mic. LOL.