Thursday, October 26, 2006

Baby Alcohol

My daughter's class took a trip to the National Zoo today and I volunteered to chaperone. With work, my writing, and other demands, she and I have limited one on one, girl time, so I thought it would be fun. And it was. I have done the Zoo chaperone thing a number of times, believe me, I have this thing down to a science.

Anyway, we boarded the bus to leave, twenty somethin exhausted children of every color black color with the exception of one child. Now, why would I mention that? Well, inevitably the baby girl chants and hand clapping began, which I am thrilled about. I took my daughter out of private school last year to try this new program, I want a great education and some well rounded socialization. 'Cuase my little girl's momma, me, was a foot stoppin, double dutch jumpin, jacks playin, sing song struttin little somethin.

Anyway, after going through the standards, Miss Mary Mack and Shame Shame Shame, two little girls busted into (Name) and (Name) sitting in a tree. Now if you don't know the song goes something like this :
Tina and Mike, sittin in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes the baby in a baby carriage.

Now, I really don't want my daughter singin it all, but at least the order is consistent with my basic values, although its a bit much when you really think about it. But anyway, the two little girsl changed the song to:
First comes love. Then comes baby. Then comes baby drinking alcohol.


Ok, so the first few times they sang it, I waited patiently for their parents, who were sitting next to them to say something. Nothin. Finally, the teacher interceded. Talked about the song and its level of inappropriateness. Parents faces remained blank.

Oh, where, where do I begin? Whats wrong with this picture, let's back up? If my momma wasn't there, yes, there was some awful stuff I would sing. I mean, at least they don't know Fruit Cock Tail yet, that was our elementary favorite. But in front of my mother. Oh NO!

So there is a boundary issue that has not been addressed and is seemingly unrecognizable. They were quite comfortable with their drunk baby chant, right in the seat next to their mothers.

Then, there is a definite loss of some steps in the revised song. Now, I know love and marriage , the idea, doesn't always happen, but is it wrong to try to drill that order into 5 year old girls, set a standard to achieve? And no, they don't need a marriage for the baby, but, Im just sayin. Its like when everyone blasted Brandy because of her fronted marriage. Uh, well, that's a bit different, I guess, but I can see why she tried to lie, keep a "good girl" image - fakin a marriage and basing a reality show on it is kinda sad though.

I don't know. The whole thing just had me confused. Got me thinkin about countin out pennies again, coughin up the 780 a month, just for least the Christian school will scare them into keepin the raunchy stuff undercover, right?

1 comment:

MamaKing said...

Why is our community so numb to the idea of black female virtue? It hurts to know that the values we were raised with just don't filter down to our children in the same way they did for us. Maybe they didn't filter down to our generation either.