Ya'll already know that I love The Wire. My middle school makes this one look tame - trust. I can relate with these kids so much, when your livin it, though, it doesn't seem so sad, so hopeless. Life just is. I guess I am blown away at the talent - like the black Mickey Mouse Club, all four of these boys are going to be huge. My favorite, Maestro, (plays Randy) was Simba in the Lion King. I actually saw him perform (had to check the playbill to be sure). In fact, I don't have favorites. Julito (Namond) and Tristan (Michael) are doing their thing. How much talent does a youngun have to have to play Dukie, and Jermaine Crawford carries it. Makes you forget your own problems for a minute and get lost in their world.
Comic relief is still the young hopper, Donut, who breaks into Prezbo's car. Love him.
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