Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Why Love?

My fellow poet and blogger, Shai Davis, who shares a middle name, has a wonderful poem on her site Drawn 2 Words. She writes "I keep promising myself I will stop writing about love." Which led me to the question, why do we spend so much time, thought, emotion on love? Yesterday I worked twelve hours, and played Jill Scott the entire day. Two albums consumed my attention for twelve hours, about love.

What is it that captures us? Even after debating politics or the state of our people, discussing the world and life, we always come back to love. No matter how many times I have tried to draft something different, a love related poem springs to my heart, a love based story comes to mind. I am convinced that love is the purity of God, the only emotion that is shocking and comforting, affirming and overwhelming. When we suffer, it is not love, it is the human reaction to or response while in love. Love itself is always pure. And I can't ever get enough.

So I guess we will write on, and dream on, and reminisce about love. Blush, gasp, inhale, exhale and remember loves effects. See there, I feel another poem coming on.....


Shai said...

Thanks Kai for mentioning me and my blog. I think since part of why we are on this Earth is to learn Love that love comes up alot. It is not easily understood or obtained.

That is why I started studying Love and started my blog, A Journey Through Love. Check it out at: http://journeythroughlove.blogspot.com

a.Kai said...

I will definitely look through it. I signed up for the National MOnth writers contest today, and I am thinking up plots now. Thanks so much for the info. BTW- first name is Aisha. Aisha Kai

Shai said...

LOL. Aisha, I have a bookclub member named Aiesha.

Shai said...

Let's be Nano buddies. This my second try. Last year I did over 12,000. I have never written a whole novel. It is a stretch from poetry to fiction. LOL.

a.Kai said...

Definitely - we can hit that mark this year!!