Friday, October 13, 2006


Returned to work today. Not until the evening though, still slept the day away on that Theraflu high/low. Now I am sitting here, reviewing my blog and other works. I have a childrens' line in development, need an illustrator for that. Two sci fi pieces that are in publication, I am late on submitting the edits to the publisher. A sci fi young adult that is my passion, but the industry has rejected it every way possible.

Self publish? I don't know. I want it out there, in the hands of readers. I don't know that I can accomplish widespread distribution on my own, I mean, look how long it took to get my blog going. But maybe it is the only option.

SO tonite its just dreams of the future - how should I progress, or should I progress at all. Its nice, having dreams again...

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