Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Missed Halloween

Today is Halloween. I am good with Halloween. Since I am easily terrified by everything bizarre or weird, I have a simple solution. Halloween is eat candy, make cupcakes, dress up cute and enjoy yourself day. Nothin more. My girls and I have a good time, cooking, dancing, ladying it up. Then hubby takes them to a harvest festival.

But this year, working 75 hours weeks, I completely forgot today was Halloween. I did. And, even worse, I dont' feel that bad about it. I can easily make it up, and the girls will enjoy cooking and dancing, like the always do. I've trained them well. The goul and ghots, goblin, trick or treat stuff, they won't miss, cause they never had it anyway. So I got a miss a holiday pass on this one. Thankfully they will never know the difference. They will attend their festival, eat candy, and go to sleep in comfort, not aware that mommy completely dropped the ball....

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